Double shaker card

With a twist… Making shaker cards can be time consuming but the result is really worth it. For today’s card, I was inspired by the Altenew course: With a twist, which focuses on some different takes on tried and true card making standards. Within the course, the instructor focused on using different color combinations, cutting […]

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Building backgrounds

Altenew class on beyond basic backgrounds So it begins…moving onto level 2 of the Altenew Educator Certification Program. I’m really enjoying how these classes are providing such interesting challenges that are pushing me to rethink how I use my current supplies. The class, Beyond Basic Backgrounds, had a lot of different ideas in building backgrounds

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Let it shine

AECP class on using shiny elements to a card For the next class in the Altenew educator program, Let it shine, the instructor introduced a lot of ways to add shine to a card. The class inspired me to try a few different elements to add shine including: heat embossing, adding foil with tape and

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